Troubleshooting Mirage

This page has information about how to fix common issues. See also the Mirage manual and Install Libraries page.

How to check your Mirage version

Click the 3-dots icon, then Information, then About. On the panel that appears, you will see the version number.

Mirage’s file locations

When troubleshooting it’s sometimes necessary to know where Mirage’s files are, that’s what these tables are for.

VST2Mirage VST is called Mirage.vst in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST
AU2Mirage AU is called FrozenPlain Mirage.component in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
LibrariesLibraries can be anywhere, but Mirage scans /Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Libraries when it starts up. On Mirage’s side-panel you can right-click on a library to see options for 'Open Folder' and 'Remove Library'.
PresetsPresets can be set to a custom location. Open Mirage’s Preset Browser to see your Presets folder. The default location: /Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Presets.
SettingsMirage stores settings in a file called mirage.json in /Users/your-name/Music/Audio Music Apps/Plug-In Settings/FrozenPlain or /Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Settings

Missing “Open Mirage Folder” button

Do you see "Libraries Folder" and "Presets Folder" buttons instead? Sometimes the Mirage’s libraries and presets are in different locations. To install your Mirage library, follow the instructions in the same way, but you’ll need to put the library’s Libraries into your "Libraries Folder" and the library’s Presets into your "Presets Folder", rather than having the convenience to do them both at once.

Are there no buttons at all? Your Mirage is an older version, you must update to v2.0.5.

Buttons for opening folders don’t work

You can open Mirage’s folders using your operating system’s file browser. Your libraries folder will be:

/Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Libraries

To find your presets folder, open Mirage. Click the preset name at the top-center of Mirage to open the presets browser. Your presets folder will be shown at the top of the panel.

You can install libraries and presets to these folders.

Duplicate libraries

If you notice there’s duplicate libraries in your Libraries folder, you can delete one of the duplicates. While harmless, it’s a waste of disk space to have duplicates. For example, you might have both wraith.mdata and Wraith Library.mdata in the same folder. Delete wraith.mdata. Restart Mirage. If this has caused Mirage to display any 'missing library' errors, you can right-click the missing library on Mirage’s side panel and click Remove Library. Re-add the correct one by clicking the '+' button on the side panel.

Issues with library files

This section provides some information and tips if you are having trouble with libraries.

When Mirage starts up, it scans for libraries in its default library folder — see "Mirage’s file Locations" above.

But Mirage can also access libraries from anywhere on your computer. This is done by clicking the '+' button on Mirage’s side-panel. It will prompt you to select the location of a MDATA file (Mirage’s library format).

On Mirage’s side panel, you can right-click on a library to see options for 'Open Folder' and 'Remove Library'. Opening the folder will show you where the library is on your computer. Removing the library does not delete the file, it just removes it from Mirage.

Libraries not showing up in Mirage

After following the installation instructions, if you still aren’t seeing your library in Mirage, try the following:

  • Double check that the library is in the correct location. When Mirage starts up, it scans for libraries in its default library folder — see "Mirage’s file Locations" above. Library files (.mdata files), need to be inside the Libraries folder in order for Mirage to find them.
  • Try adding the library via the '+' button instead on relying on Mirage’s automatic scanning. Open Mirage, open the side panel, click the '+' button, and navigate to the library file (.mdata file).
  • Get in touch if the issue persists.

DAW not seeing Mirage

  • Check that your DAW is compatible with Mirage.
  • On Windows, VST2 plugins can be in different locations. When you run the Mirage installer, it will tell you where it’s installing the plugin. Make sure your DAW knows where to look for Mirage, you might need to add the location to your DAW’s plugin paths — usually available in a settings menu.

Mirage not updating

If when you run the Mirage installer, it says it’s updating but the version number in your DAW has not changed it possible that you have multiple versions of the Mirage VST/AU installed and your DAW is loading the wrong one.

Run the Mirage installer again and pay attention to the last page of the installer. It will tell you where it’s installing Mirage to. Make sure your DAW is looking in this location for Mirage.

You might need to delete the old version of Mirage from your computer. See the "Mirage’s file locations" section above for where Mirage VST/AU is installed, and delete the Mirage file. Re-run the installer.