This page has lots of information about how to use Mirage. See also our Troubleshooting page, Install Libraries page and changelog.
Hover your cursor over a control to see a description of what the control does. You can toggle whether or not you want to see these by clicking the Show Tooltips option in the settings menu (three-dots icon at the top).
Double-click on knobs to open a text field allowing you to set the value by typing it in.
By double-clicking on a preset in the preset browser you load the preset and close the browser. Single-clicking leaves the browser open.
Mirage is built around an architecture of three layers. These are displayed in three columns starting from the left of the main panel. Each layer is identical. Mirage’s layers are the first things in the processing chain; each layer is processed in parallel, and then the three streams of audio are mixed together and fed through the effects rack, from top to bottom.
The topmost control of each layer is perhaps the most important: the instrument picker menu. These are often multi-sampled instruments, but also sometimes just a single sample that is playable across the keyboard. What instruments are available for you to pick is determined by which library is loaded.
Depending on which instrument is loaded, you might notice minor differences in what controls are available; this is normal.
Mirage is an engine that can load MDATA sample libraries (FrozenPlain’s custom format). At the moment, these libraries can only be created by FrozenPlain.
Mirage can only load one library at a time. When you first open a new instance of Mirage, no library will be loaded; choosing a library will be your first step. Simply click on the library in the side panel. This side panel can be opened and closed with the three-lines icon at the top-left of Mirage’s GUI.
See the Troubleshooting page for more information on how Mirage tracks libraries.
Mirage uses the same preset format regardless of what library is loaded. However, the
preset file name will end differently depending on what library the preset refers to.
For example, a Mirage preset which uses Wraith might be called preset.mirage-wraith
. Mirage can load any preset file that ends with .mirage-something
Mirage keeps track of a single dedicated presets folder. Mirage scans this folder (and
its subfolders) for .mirage-something
files. These are then displayed in the
preset browser GUI, and can be conveniently loaded in various ways.
Your Preset Folder is most likely C:/Users/name/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Presets
on Windows or /Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage Presets
on Mac.
You can manually organise this folder in any way you like. By default, presets are grouped into which library they are from and whether they are factory or user presets.
You can select an alternate folder by clicking on the preset text at the top of the GUI and then clicking on the folder that is shown at the top of the shown window. On Mac, it is recommended to not change your preset folder. DAWs such as GarageBand are strict regarding which folders a plugin is allowed to access.
Mirage features a browser for conveniently navigating and loading presets from your Preset Folder. This browser has two panels. The panel on the left is used to select the folder to browse. The panel on the right is used to load presets from within the selected folder and its subfolders. You can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move to different presets on the right panel.
You can also search for folders or files by typing into the search bar on this panel. Your search term is compared against each filepath of every preset in the currently shown folder.
Mirage has a multi-mode 'randomise preset' button. This button can be found in the top panel of Mirage’s GUI. To the left of this button is a downwards arrow icon. By clicking on this arrow you can select the mode of the randomise button. These are the options:
When you install a new library, its presets will be placed into your Preset Folder. This
will most likely be C:/Users/Public/FrozenPlain/Mirage/Presets
on Windows,
and /Library/Application Support/FrozenPlain/Mirage Presets
on Mac.
If you have manually set an alternate Preset Folder (using the Set Presets Folder button on Mirage), it will be that location instead.
You can manually add new presets to your Preset Folder or rearrange the directories. Mirage will update to reflect any change you make.
Presets can also exist elsewhere on your computer. However, these will not automatically appear in the preset browser menus. These must be loaded by clicking on the file icon on the presets browser panel and then navigating to the individual file.
You can save presets by clicking on the floppy disk icon at the top of Mirage’s GUI. To make these into a pack for distribution online, bundle the presets files together (the ZIP format is common for this), and point whoever is installing them to this manual. You are allowed to share or sell Mirage presets, but you may not share or sell any other type of Mirage file.
All automatable parameters in Mirage can be easily assigned to a MIDI CC. Perhaps the most common MIDI CC used is the mod-wheel, which is CC number 1.
Any CC number can be used to control any parameter of Mirage. This is done by right-clicking on a parameter on the GUI and then selecting MIDI learn from the menu that pops up. Next, move the knob/slider on your physical MIDI controller — Mirage will detect this movement and bind the CC number to the parameter in Mirage. The mapping is now set: whenever you move that knob, the parameter in Mirage will move too. This binding can be undone by right-clicking the parameter and selecting Remove MIDI Learn.
This relationship lasts for as long Mirage exists in your DAW — if you remove and then re-add Mirage, this MIDI CC relationship will be lost. However, this relationship is preserved when you save or load your DAW project.
Alongside the MIDI learn functionality, you can set up a more permanent relationship between parameters in Mirage and sliders/knobs on your MIDI controller. To do this, MIDI Learn a parameter, as explained above. Once completed, when you right-click the parameter, you will see a new toggleable option for Always set MIDI CC to this. You can toggle this option to set the permanent relationship. If enabled, whenever you load up a new instance of Mirage, the CC number will be bound to the parameter.
By default, MIDI CC1 (AKA the mod-wheel) is set up to control the Dynamics slider in Mirage in this semi-permanent fashion.
It’s worth clarifying that these settings are stored in different places. MIDI CC-to-parameters are stored/loaded when you save/load your DAW project; they are not saved/loaded when saving/loading presets. The option for permanent MIDI CC-to-parameter mapping is neither saved in preset files nor in your DAW project. Instead, it’s saved in a preferences-file on your computer.
Mirage can be controlled with a sustain pedal. A sustain pedal is a special kind of MIDI controller that sends MIDI CC-64 messages. These messages represent an on or off state.
When Mirage receives a sustain pedal on message, all notes that are currently held will sustain until a corresponding sustain pedal off message is received. The notes will persist even if the notes are released from the keyboard. Only releasing the sustain pedal will trigger them to stop. This is a common behaviour for synths and samplers alike. It roughly simulates the behaviour of a real piano sustain pedal.
Each layer in Mirage has a switch that changes the behaviour when pressing the same note multiple times while the sustain pedal is held down. This parameter can be found in the MIDI tab of each layer and is called 'CC64 Retrig'.
When 'CC64 Retrig' is turned off, and you are holding the sustain pedal down, nothing happens if you press the same key multiple times — the new up and down is ignored — the sound continues to sustain just as it did before.
However, when 'CC64 Retrig' is on, the note is retriggered (the sound ends and a new one starts); this behaviour tends to be the more intuitive option. Note that this switch is per-layer, not global. This allows for more powerful customisation of a preset.
Mirage has a selection of simple effects that can be applied to the audio. These effects are applied to the mix of the three layers. The effects are shown in a list on the right-hand side of the main panel. You can change the ordering of the effects by dragging and dropping.
Parameters at the top level of Mirage.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Vol | Knob | Master volume | MastVol |
Velo | Knob | The amount that the MIDI velocity affects the volume of notes; 100% means notes will be silent when the velocity is very soft, and 0% means that notes will play full volume regardless of the velocity | MastVel |
Dyn | Knob | The intensity of the sound. Not every instrument contains dynamics information; instruments that do will be highlighted when you click on this knob. | MastDyn |
The parameters for each of the 3 layers of Mirage.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Volume | Knob | Layer volume | L0Vol |
Mute | Switch | Mute this layer | L0Mute |
Solo | Switch | Mute all other layers | L0Solo |
Pan | Knob | Left/right balance | L0Pan |
Detune | Knob | Layer pitch in cents; hold shift for finer adjustment | L0Detune |
Pitch | Number | Layer pitch in semitones | L0Pitch |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Loop | Switch | The mode for looping the instrument samples | L0LpOn |
Start | Knob | Loop-start | L0LpStrt |
End | Knob | Loop-end | L0LpEnd |
XFade | Knob | Crossfade length; this smooths the transition from the loop-end to the loop-start | L0LpXf |
Ping Pong | Switch | not used | L0LpPP |
Start | Knob | Change the starting point of the sample | L0Offs |
Reverse | Switch | Play the sound in reverse | L0Rev |
Volume Envelope | Switch | Enable/disable the volume envelope; when disabled, each sound will play out entirely, or until the key is pressed again | L0VlEnOn |
Attack | Knob | Volume fade-in length | L0Att |
Decay | Knob | Volume ramp-down length (after the attack) | L0Dec |
Sustain | Knob | Volume level to sustain (after decay) | L0Sus |
Release | Knob | Volume fade-out length (after the note is released) | L0Rel |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Filter | Switch | Enable/disable the filter | L0FlOn |
Cutoff | Knob | The frequency at which the filter should take effect | L0FlCut |
Reso | Knob | The intensity of the volume peak at the cutoff frequency | L0FfRes |
Type | Menu | Filter type | L0FlTy |
Envelope | Knob | How strongly the envelope should control the filter cutoff | L0FlAm |
Attack | Knob | Length of initial ramp-up | L0FlAtt |
Decay | Knob | Length ramp-down after attack | L0FLDec |
Sustain | Knob | Level to sustain after decay has completed | L0FlSus |
Release | Knob | Length of ramp-down after note is released | L0FlRel |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
LFO | Switch | Enable/disable the Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) | L0LfoOn |
Shape | Menu | Oscillator shape | L0LfoSh |
Mode | Menu | Oscillator phase mode. Retrigger: each voice has its own phase, Free: all voices that are playing simultaneously will have the same phase | L0LfoMd |
Amount | Knob | Intensity of the LFO effect | L0LfoAm |
Target | Menu | The parameter that the LFO will modulate | L0LfoTg |
Time | Menu | LFO rate (synced to the host) | L0LfoSyt |
Time | Knob | LFO rate (in Hz) | L0LfoHZ |
Sync | Switch | Sync the LFO speed to the host | L0LfoSyO |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
EQ | Switch | Turn on or off the equaliser effect for this layer | L0EqOn |
Freq | Knob | Band 1: frequency of this band | L0EqFr0 |
Reso | Knob | Band 1: sharpness of the peak | L0EqRs0 |
Gain | Knob | Band 1: volume gain at the frequency | L0EqGn0 |
Type | Menu | Band 1: type of EQ band | L0EqTy0 |
Freq | Knob | Band 2: frequency of this band | L0EqFr1 |
Reso | Knob | Band 2: sharpness of the peak | L0EqRs1 |
Gain | Knob | Band 2: volume gain at the frequency | L0EqGn1 |
Type | Menu | Band 2: type of EQ band | L0EqTy1 |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Velocity Mapping | Knob | Choose how MIDI velocity should affect the volume of this layer. There are 6 modes that can be selected for this parameter via the buttons on the GUI. By setting one layer to be quiet at high velocities and another layer to be quiet at low velocities you can create an instrument that sounds different based on how hard the notes are played. (0) Ignore velocity, always play full volume. (1) Loudest at high velocity, quietest at low velocity (2) Loudest at low velocity, quietest at high velocity (3) Loudest at high velocity, quietest at middle velocity and below (4) Loudest at middle velocity, quietest at both high and low velocities (5) Loudest at bottom velocity, quietest at middle velocity and above, | L0Vel |
Keytrack | Switch | Tune the sound to match the key played; if disabled it will always play the sound at its root pitch | L0KTr |
Monophonic | Switch | Only allow one voice of each sound to play at a time | L0Mono |
CC64 Retrigger | Switch | When the sustain pedal (CC64) is held, keys that are pressed again are retriggered | L0SusRe |
Transpose | Number | Transpose the mapping of samples by the given semitone offset, meaning a higher/lower sample may be triggered instead of stretching/shrinking the audio by large amounts (only useful if the instrument is multi-sampled) | L0Trn |
Distort the audio using various algorithms.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Type | Menu | Distortion algorithm type | DistType |
Drive | Knob | Distortion amount | DistDrive |
Distortion | Switch | Enable/disable the distortion effect | DistOn |
Apply a lo-fi effect to the signal by either reducing the sample rate or by reducing the sample resolution. Doing either distorts the signal.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Bits | Knob | Audio resolution | BitcBits |
Samp Rate | Knob | Sample rate | BitcRate |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | BitcWet |
Dry | Knob | Unprocessed signal volume | BitcDry |
Bit Crush | Switch | Enable/disable the bitcrush effect | BitcOn |
Compress the signal to make the quiet sections louder.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Threshold | Knob | The threshold that the audio has to pass above before the compression should start taking place | CompThr |
Ratio | Knob | The intensity of compression (high ratios mean more compression) | CompRt |
Gain | Knob | Additional control for volume after compression | CompGain |
Auto Gain | Switch | Automatically re-adjust the gain to stay consistent regardless of compression intensity | CompAuto |
Compressor | Switch | Enable/disable the compression effect | CompOn |
Adjust the volume frequency bands in the signal, or cut out frequency bands altogether. The filter type can be selected with the menu.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Filter | Switch | Enable/disable the filter | FlOn |
Cutoff | Knob | Frequency of filter effect | FlCut |
Reso | Knob | The intensity of the volume peak at the cutoff frequency | FlRes |
Gain | Knob | Volume gain of shelf filter | FlGain |
Type | Menu | Filter type | FlType |
Increase or decrease the stereo width of the signal.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Width | Knob | Increase or decrease the stereo width | SterWd |
Stereo Widen On | Switch | Turn the stereo widen effect on or off | SterOn |
An effect that changes the character of the signal by adding a modulated and pitch-varying duplicate signal.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Rate | Knob | Chorus modulation rate | ChorRate |
High-pass | Knob | High-pass filter cutoff | ChorHP |
Depth | Knob | Chorus effect intensity | ChorDpth |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | ChorWet |
Dry | Knob | Unprocessed signal volume | ChorDry |
Chorus | Switch | Enable/disable the chorus effect | ChorOn |
Algorithmically simulate the reflections and reverberations of a real room.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Dry | Knob | Unprocessed signal volume | RvDry |
Size | Knob | Virtual space size | RvSize |
Reverb | Switch | Enable/disable the reverb effect | RvOn |
Legacy Mode | Switch | Enable/disable the legacy version of the algorithm | RvLeg |
Predelay | Knob | Delay before reverb effect happens | SvRvPre |
Mod Rate | Knob | Rate of pitch modulation | SvRvMs |
Depth | Knob | Intensity of pitch modulation | SvRvMd |
Filter | Knob | Low/high frequency reduction | SvRvDm |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | SvRvWet |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Damping | Knob | High frequency reduction amount | RvDamp |
Width | Knob | Stereo width | RvWidth |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | RvWet |
Simulate an echo effect, as if the sound is reflecting off of a distant surface.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Time L | Menu | Left delay time (synced to the host tempo) | DlSyncL |
Time R | Menu | Right delay time (synced to the host tempo) | DlSyncR |
Feedback | Knob | How much the signal repeats | DlFeed |
Tempo Sync | Switch | Synchronise timings to the host’s BPM | DlSyncOn |
Wet | Knob | Level of processed signal | DlWet |
Delay | Switch | Enable/disable the delay effect | DlOn |
Legacy Mode | Switch | Enable/disable the legacy version of the algorithm | DlLeg |
Mode | Menu | Delay type | SvDlMode |
Time L | Knob | Left delay time (in milliseconds) | SvDlMsL |
Time R | Knob | Right delay time (in milliseconds) | SvDlMsR |
Filter | Knob | High/low frequency reduction | SvDlFl |
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Time L | Knob | Left delay time (in milliseconds) | DlMsL |
Time R | Knob | Right delay time (in milliseconds) | DlMsR |
Damp | Knob | Amount of high frequency reduction | DlDamp |
Modulate the sound using a series of moving filters
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Freq | Knob | Base frequency of the effect | SvPhFr |
Rate | Knob | Filter movement rate | SvPhMf |
Depth | Knob | Filter movement amount | SvPhMd |
Feedback | Knob | Intensity | SvPhFd |
Stages | Knob | Number of filters | SvPhSg |
Mod Stereo | Switch | Stereoise the filter movement | SvPhSt |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | SvPhWet |
Dry | Knob | Unprocessed signal volume | SvPhDry |
Phaser | Switch | Enable/disable the phaser effect | SvPhOn |
The Convolution reverb effect applies a reverb to the signal. The characteristic of the reverb is determined by the impulse response (IR). The IR can be selected from the menu.
Name | Type | Description | ID |
Impulse | The impulse response (IR) that defines the character of the reverberation | ConvIR | |
High-pass | Knob | Wet high-pass filter cutoff | ConvHP |
Wet | Knob | Processed signal volume | ConvWet |
Dry | Knob | Unprocessed signal volume | ConvDry |
Convol Reverb | Switch | Enable/disable the convolution reverb effect | ConvOn |